
This blog offers free content about travelling the isle of Irleland.

It may also contain text-links or banner-links links to following websites:

1.) This is my own motorcycle rental comapany in Ireland.

2.) This is the original German version of this blog.

3.) This is this webite you are actually on. It is translated from my original german content on

If you see any of these above mentioned links anywhere in my content, they can to be considered as advertisements for my own websites and businesses.

Enjoy the content,

best regards, Ulrich Knüppel-Gertberg

P.s.: I should mention that I write all of my blog articles in German language on the German blog first ( After that I translate my German blog articles into English language for this English version of my blog (

While I do speak English, I am not good with English grammar and spelling, which is why I use the software of DeepL ( to translate my articles. I hope this helps to ensure a better quality and readability of my English articles. Thanks for your understanding.